Are you wondering if you need fertility detox before planning to conceive? Yes definitely, it is the first step towards your parenthood journey if want to enhance your body’s innate ability to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. If you have been struggling with fertility, have gone through one or more IUI’s and IVF cycles, have taken contraceptive pills, digestive issues, weight loss, or fatigue, then you must have it.



A combination of stress, environmental toxins, food toxins, medication, and birth control, can cause a toxic build up in the body. These toxins are stored in fat cells that not only suppress ovulation, but also affect the quality of your eggs. They can also cause a lot of other health problems like hormone imbalances, low energy, and difficulty losing weight etc7 for more info.

Why Should I do homeopathic fertility detox?

  • If you have a sluggish metabolism AND/OR have digestive issues (constipation, allergies, bloating etc.)
  • If you have done an IVF or IUI cycle
  • If you’ve been on medication or birth control
  • If you regularly drink alcohol and/or coffee/ or smoke
  • If you have been exposed to heavy metals like mercury in dental fillings, certain type of fish etc.
  • If you are under a lot of stress
  • If you have been exposed to numerous chemicals like household cleaning products, pesticides, cosmetics etc.
  • If you have been using plastic containers to store food and water.
  • If you have irregular cycles, lack of ovulation, short luteal phase, painful periods, PMS, cravings and mood swings before periods

What is Homeopathic Fertility Detox?

Homeopathic fertility detox is not like the other detox and cleanses where you go on a restrictive diet. It has been designed to help clear the body of excess toxins, balance the hormones, bring circulation to the reproductive system, and prepare the body for conception.  

Contraceptive pills or fertility drugs taken during IUI OR IVF, leave a lasting imprint on your hormonal health. These drugs impact your hormones directly. When you are taking contraceptive pills, they shut down your reproductive system as your pituitary gland stops talking to your ovaries and stops ovulation. Homeopathic detox can remove the imprint of contraceptives and fertility drugs so that you can reboot your cycle can prepare your womb to welcome your little miracle.

Benefits of Homeopathic Fertility Detox – for Women

  1. Support the detoxification process of the liver so that it can process excess hormones.
  2. Eliminate excessive hormones from the body via excretory system
  3. Promote uterine health by eliminating old debris and clots
  4. Reduce inflammation of reproductive organs
  5. Increases circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to reproductive organs
  6. It balances your hormones and prepare your womb for conception

“The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle, and permanent restoration of health.” – Sameul Hahnemann

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