Homeopathy For Period Flu

Homeopathy For Period Flu

Do you feel crappy before your periods with flu like symptoms and find yourself coming down with a cold or sinus infection right around the time you start your period?⁠

If yes, it is not your fault.

During the second half of your cycle closer to ovulation your immune system temporarily shuts down so that your body can accept the sperm and if implantation occurs and you get pregnant, your body doesn’t reject the embryo.

As now your immune system is not very active you start feeling under the weather and can have symptoms like chills, nausea, fatigue, weakness, sweats, aches and pains at that time.

Another culprit is hormonal shifts just before a period. Period flu is caused by declines in estrogen before menstruation, and while it’s not pleasant, it’s not actually true influenza.

Along with these two, there is another buddy too who also plays its role and that is called


Prostaglandins are inflammatory chemicals that are released just before and during your period to help you shed your uterine lining. Since these chemicals can also impact your body’s temperature, they are likely responsible for flu like symptoms.

So basically period flu is inflammation on overdrive!

Popping in anti inflammatory pills like candy is not the solution. It just temporarily suppresses your pain.

Here comes the homeopathy to your rescue as it doesn’t do the suppression but actually tells your body to rebalance the cause of inflammation. A homeopathic remedy when taken based on characteristic symptoms of your pain or discomfort, it acts to channelize the energy of inflammation to bring you relief.

There are various homeopathic remedies to help with period flu, I am going to mention a few for you here. Look at the remedy picture and if it is matching with your symptoms, then you can try that remedy.


Right sided symptoms with extreme pain on bending the head forward. They toss and turn in their sleep and may suffer from scary dreams. Also worse from motion, flushed face with cold hands.


There is great thirst for cold fluids. They are aggravated by warm rooms and warmth and prefer cool rooms and open air. They have a dry mouth and great thirst, especially for cold drinks. They tend to have a headache in the front part of their head which is aggravated by any motion


 There is great weakness and heaviness of the body. They are sometimes only able to open their eyes halfway. They feel so weak that motion exhausts them. They are also chilly and seek to stay warm.

Rhus Tox

Their aches become worse at night and in bed. In addition to stiffness in the back or neck, they may feel aching in the bones. They may also have a dry cough or sneezing which is aggravated by cold or by uncovering.

If you can’t find a remedy to match your symptoms, you are most welcome to book a free 15 minutes introductory call with me.

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