5 Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety Attacks After Trauma

5 Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety Attacks After Trauma

5 Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety Attacks After Trauma

Did you know that when we experience an emotional setback or trauma, adrenaline rushes through the body and the memory of that event is imprinted into the amygdala, which is part of the limbic system. Amygdala, is a collection of nuclei found deep within the temporal lobe. 

It helps regulate emotion and encode memories—especially when it comes to more emotional remembrances and acts like a warning bell.

So anytime when we are in a similar situation, the brain can easily be triggered by sensory input, considering normal circumstances as dangerous. The negative experiences programmed by our amygdala keep on putting us into flight or fight situations, spiking cortisol as sensory fragments are misinterpreted and the brain loses its ability to discriminate between what is threatening and what is normal.

Good news is that homeopathy can calm down the deeper regions of our brain without escalating distress and further imprint the trauma into the limbic system.

5 Homeopathic remedies to handle acute stressful situations after trauma


Indicated often after a sudden traumatic event. They usually have a great fear of death. There is rapid heart beating along with perspiration and trembling. Panic attacks can  come in fits, in sudden acute crises and can come at any time and as a consequence of any stimulus. There is inconsolable anxiety, sad wailing; peevish and impatient. They think their thoughts come from the stomach–that parts of his body are abnormally thick. 

Nat Mur

Sexual abuse, incest and rape are often the cause of severe emotional trauma in Nat mur. This remedy helps people who “bottle things up” regardless of how unhappy they are feeling. They find it hard to cry as they feel they need to appear strong, to show no weakness, but inside they are exceedingly vulnerable and afraid of being hurt due to prior disappointment. This is the reason they do not permit anyone to get close to them emotionally. They often recall the past unpleasant occurrences and grieve. They do not like to be consoled. There is a guilt feeling after the loss – Think they have neglected their duty. Listens to sad music and dwells on the loss.


It is the main remedy for hysteria and brooding silently. It is suitable for a person who is sad and in a tearful mood. There is constant sighing and sobbing, wanting to be alone. There can be uncontrollable laughter alternating with crying. There is a peculiar “lump in throat” sensation when crying. Consolation helps them feel better.

Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid is one of the best remedies for the bad effects of grief and depressing emotions, particularly for the chronic effects of disappointed love. Ailments from care, grief, sorrow, chagrin, homesickness or disappointed love; particularly with drowsiness; night sweats towards morning; emaciation.The most characteristic feature of the Phosphoric Acid is ‘emotional neutrality’. They usually say ‘It is as if I were not alive’. They just keep on drifting through an unreal life in which he performs almost automatically without any motivation and no sense of satisfaction. There is no love, no happiness, no sadness – just emptiness.

Argentum Nitricum

There can be sudden panic attacks especially in fixed situations, for instance while passing a certain point, in closed places, high places, before an engagement. They often feel trapped and there is no way out. They become highly nervous and want to have some self control. They are extremely sympathetic. They  may be easily moved to tears when hearing of another person’s suffering. There is a great anticipatory anxiety accompanied with hurried feelings. They have a great fear of heights and an unsteadiness or vertigo when standing in high places.

If you also suffering from sudden panic attacks or stress, get in touch. 

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5 Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety Attacks After Trauma

What is the link between your hair fall and PCOS?

What is the link between your hair fall and PCOS?

One of main causes of PCOS is increased levels of androgens aka male hormone testosterone.

Testosterone is broken down to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) within the hair follicle’s oil glands. DHT binds to receptor sites in the hair follicle (kind of like a lock and key mechanism) and shrinks the hair follicle, stopping them from producing new hairs and leading to noticeable hair loss.

Besides that excessive amount of testosterone and other androgens, such as DHEA-S and androstenedione, also causes inflammation. This inflammation leads to oxidative stress. Our hair follicles are sensitive little creatures, especially to something called oxidative stress and you start experiencing PCOS hair loss.

PCOS can be managed, and you can reverse and grow your hair grow back NATURALLY  as there are several homeopathic remedies for hair fall due to hormonal imbalance. Homeopathic treatment of hair loss is usually based on the root causes, location, modalities and extension of the hair loss.


Sepia is prepared from the inky juice of Cuttlefish. It is my number one and favourite remedy for hormonal imbalance where there is a history of long standing headaches. This remedy shows excellent results if there is hair fall during the climacteric period or during and after parturition. There is a lot of sensitivity  to cold weather. Feels anxious for family and children.

Fluoric Acid 

This remedy is prepared by potentization of hydrofluoric acid. There is hair loss after suffering from fever, especially fevers like typhoid or prolonged inflammation in the body.  Hair falls in spots as hair is dry, they mat; they split and break. The patient usually feels more heat and better in a cold atmosphere.


Phosphorus is another homeopathic medicine for hair fall. This remedy is useful when there is hair fall in large bunches and  in spots. There might be dandruff with intense itching of the scalp. Phosphorus people are highly sensitive to external impressions such as light, sound, odors, touch, thunderstorms, etc. Restless, excitable, nervous individuals.


Lycopodium is prepared by distilling the spores of evergreen plants like club moss, more popularly known as staghorn moss. This remedy  is prescribed for hair fall when there is premature baldness along with premature graying of hair. There is thinning of hair from the head with overgrowth on other parts of the body. Patient has a craving for sweets.

Natrum Muriaticum

This remedy is prepared from sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt. It is beneficial when there is hair loss because of dandruff along with dry crusts on the scalp. There can be hair loss due to skin or menstrual disorders. Sometimes hair loss happens due to hormonal imbalance, this medicine treats both with efficacy. It is ideally prescribed to those people who are sensitive and emotional.


This is another medicine that efficiently deals with skin conditions, such as rashes, lesions, and psoriasis. It tackles hair fall in people experiencing dandruff, hair loss, and premature graying. It is also ideal for boosting hair growth.

If you also suffering with hair loss or premature greying of hair, get in touch. 

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