How homeopathy helped Samantha to enjoy loving and warm hugs again?

How homeopathy helped Samantha to enjoy loving and warm hugs again?

Samantha questioned me during her first visit, “Why do I have sore breasts every month before my periods? I get a weird soreness in my breasts just a couple of days before my periods.


I always know my periods are coming because I am unable to hug my 3-year old and the soreness disappears when my flow starts. Is this normal?” she asked.


She was feeling extremely frustrated and guilty for not being able to express maternal affection to her son, during this time.


Why do I have sore breasts every month before my periods, is one of the most common questions asked by my patients.


Why there is tenderness of breasts just before periods?


Like Samantha, you may have noticed that you get sore breasts just before your period and it goes back to normal once the flow sets in. This condition has a fancy name, Mastalgia.


Mastalgia is the medical term for breast pain or breast tenderness the week before your period.


There can be several reasons why this could happen.


One is poor liver detoxification which means your liver cannot flush out toxins efficiently.


Secondly, there might be excess estrogen and a low progesterone profile. Another reason can be your high-stress levels – remember your stress hormones can compete with your sex hormones, specifically progesterone.


How you can keep the warmth of hugs with homeopathy?


Homeopathic treatment can uproot the cause of breast soreness. If it is happening due to your toxic liver, it will correct the liver function so that it can resume the proper detoxification of all toxins.


If your hormones are creating the mess, I can gently correct the imbalance with a personalized homeopathic remedy.


What I prescribed to Samantha?


Samantha was not only dealing with hormonal imbalance but also with guilty feelings. Samantha was prescribed a homeopathic remedy based on her individualized symptoms.


I also recommended for her to make some lifestyle changes.


Just after two appointments only, her sore breasts problem started to fade. Another bonus she got as part of her treatment was that her skin was also looking better.

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“My husband and I had used homeopathic treatments for our dog very successfully and it was far more reasonably priced than with conventional vets so I thought I’d give homeopathy a try to reverse my underactive thyroid and go off Synthroid.

Gitanjali Goel was successful in improving my underactive thyroid blood test results for two years in a row. She also helped me with some other conditions as well.

My procrastination and insecurity improved, my dry skin, dry mouth and hair loss improved. After a number of weeks of being on her treatments I began to feel more confident and there wasn’t anything I thought I couldn’t do. I held a cooking class for a group of ladies which I wasn’t confident to do before and it sort of felt like my head cleared and I came out of hibernation. That’s the only way I can describe the good positive feelings I had. I was also more mellow and was noticeably more agreeable and nicer to other people. My mood improved, I was happier and I saw the world in a brighter light. I have always been a positive person but the world around me seemed better and I felt better.

Thank you Gitanjali Goel! I am happy to be off Synthroid and feeling better.”

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The term homeopathic constitution encompasses all of the characteristics of a person. It defines the person as a whole taking into consideration that there is a strong connection between physical, emotional, and mental characteristics.


A constitution is neither a personality of an individual nor it’s a permanent state that is predetermined for the life. A person can stay in a constitutional state for a short or long time. Constitutional analysis is based on the assumption that it is a state of being the person moves into as a result of emotional trauma and this state is matched with a homeopathic remedy in order to complete the analysis.


Homeopathic constitutional analysis is always concerned with the underlying root cause of illness. Each constitutional type responds differently to the same trauma, and a homeopath tries to find why and how you as an individual reacted to an event in your life in that particular manner.


Homeopathy explains that an event in someone’s life has the ability to throw that person into an unhealthy phase. In homeopathic constitutional analysis this unhealthy phase could last for one day or few weeks or years, depending on what it causes.


I have seen many cases whose underlying causes of an illness always originates in the difficult issues within their circumstances.


Homeopathy does not deal with just the surface problems, but it is the only health based therapy that explains the true meaning of somatic psychotherapy, which implies that all the mental and emotional conditions run through the physical body.


In homeopathy it is crucial to treat the whole person, even if a homeopath is treating a simple cold. A constitutional analysis defines you as a whole picture, who you are, how you behave in certain conditions, how you interact with others, how you sleep, what you like or dislike.


Your unique constitution, as a whole person is the most important aspect of your treatment in homeopathy practice.





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How are you dealing with your grief? Everybody has his/her own way to handle the difficult situations Some can let their emotions flow through their tears and some can’t pour out their heart and struggle with emotional pain. This deep seated suppressed emotional pain comes on the surface in the form of a physical condition. I have often heard from my patients that they had never felt the same since their tragedy and whenever they hear or see something similar happening to other people, it resurfaces their own pain and that entire day becomes too difficult to deal with. This doesn’t hurt them just emotionally but they experience other things as well, such as migraines, panic attacks, sleeplessness, gut issues to name a few.

Your symptoms are the reflection of your inner state. When there is disarrangement of your inner balance, your body gives signal in the form of symptoms.

Homeopathy helps you to correct that disrupted balance. I have seen thousands of patients getting helped to overcome their deep-seated grief with homeopathic remedies.

Only last week when one of my patients heard the news of her friends’ divorce, it took a great toll on her physically and emotionally. She suffered from panic attacks and sleeplessness.

On inquiring she reported that when she heard about her friends’ divorce, it reminded her about her own lost love and she couldn’t handle her emotions. A single dose of Natrum Mur helped her to calm down and she could sleep again as well.


There are several remedies to help you with your grief whether it be a new grief or an old one. If you or any of your loved ones are also dealing with any type of grief please do not hesitate to contact me. I am just a phone call away. Deal with your grief today, don’t let it paralyze your future.

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